CPD from other organizations


Frames of Mind: A Monthly Mental Health Film Series     
3rd Wednesday of each month | 7 p.m. | Pacific Cinematheque, 1131 Howe St | In person     
Audience: Open to health professionals and those interested in the representation of mental health in cinema.     
Overview: The Frames of Mind mental health film series and annual film festival is an initiative of the UBC Department of Psychiatry whose goal is to use thought-provoking cinema in order to promote community and professional education of issues pertaining to mental health and illness. The series consists of monthly evening screenings of a feature film or documentary directly related to a particular mental health theme, which is then followed by a relevant presentation and moderated discussion.     
Up to 2.0 MOC Section 2 Personal Learning Project credits     
More information & tickets: https://www.framesofmind.ca/

2024 Assertive Community Treatment Virtual Learning Series      
March 27, April 10, May 15, June 5, June 26 | Start times vary at 11:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. | Online       
Audience: All professionals associated to MHSU Assertive Community Treatment program      
Overview: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a team-based, person-centered service delivery model that supports people living with complex mental health or concurrent mental health and substance use disorders in their community. ACT teams aim to provide supports necessary for each client to experience their own version of recovery. We work with clients to improve their quality of life by building on their individual strengths to find success in living in a community setting. To achieve this, we adapt the care and treatment needs of each individual on our team. ACT has been implemented all over the world and is considered an evidence-based service delivery model.      
Up to 7.5 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF5skJvc2Q/QEqTZBDztohT0d0gqUa7hg/view?utm_content=DAF5skJvc2Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

45th Internal Medicine Review Course for Primary Care Providers     
May 6-9 (Mon-Thu) | 8 a.m.-3 p.m. | St. Paul's Hospital, 1081 Burrard Street     
Audience: Primary care physicians, Nurse practitioners     
Overview: Internal Medicine Review for Family Physicians 2024 is organized by the Providence Health Care Department of Medicine. Participants will get three and a half hours of one-on-one time with an industry professional during the workshop. Some medical subspecialties discussed in group sessions include nephrology, gastroenterology, pulmonary medicine, and general internal medicine.      
Up to 20.0 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://medicine.providencehealthcare.org/courses/internal-medicine-review-course-for-primary-care-providers/

23rd Annual BC Endocrine Day     
May 10 (Fri) | 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Vancouver Holiday Inn- Centre (Broadway)     
Audience: general practitioners, internists, OB/GYN, specialists, medical trainees, nurse practitioners, allied health professionals     
Overview: This full-day lecture series offers an interactive case-based review of common endocrine problems encountered in clinical office practice. A variety of endocrine health topics and disorders will be reviewed including osteoporosis, PCOS, gestational diabetes, male hypogonadism, sellar lesions, breast cancer risk with hormone replacement therapy and thyroid tests.     
Up to 1.5 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://www.endocrineresearchsociety.com/events/23rd-annual-bc-endocrine-day

Violence Prevention - PVPC for Physicians   
May 12, 2024-May 12, 2025 | eLearning  
Audience: BC medical staff including medical residents, physicians, dentists, and midwives  
Overview: This free course is a version of British Columbia' s Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum (PVPC) e-learning that has been modified to be suitable for BC medical staff, including medical residents, physicians, dentists, and midwives. This course covers the same competencies as the standard PVPC e-learning modules, but through the eyes of the physician.      
Up to 1.5 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://learninghub.phsa.ca/Courses/19664/violence-prevention-pvpc-for-physicians

2024 Tropical and Geographic Medicine Intensive Short Course     
May 13 (Mon) and May 17 (Fri)| 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre, 2775 Laurel Street, Vancouver, BC or Online     
Audience: Health professionals, Primary care physicians, Nurses, Nurse practitioners, Pharmacists, Medical trainees     
Overview: The Tropical and Geographical Medicine Intensive Short Course 2024 is co-developed between the UBC Faculty of Medicine, School of Population and Public Health and UBC Division of Infectious Diseases. Health professionals will be provided with training on a clinical approach to evaluate and manage tropical diseases. A laboratory component will be included in the curriculum.     
Up to 33.75 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://spph.ubc.ca/programs/continuing-education/tgm2024/

Advanced Learning in Palliative Medicine Conference     
May 30-June 1| The Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto ON     
Audience: Palliative medicine physicians; physicians with an Interest in palliative care; residents and medical students     
Overview: ALPM is a key learning event for palliative care physicians, and for family doctors and other physician specialists who want to enhance their knowledge of palliative care.     
Up to 15.75 Mainpro+ credits/MOC Section 1     
Register: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/cspcp24/registration

Forensic Psychiatry Clinical Day: Perspectives on Violence and Risk Management     
May 31 (Fri) | 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. | UBC Robson Square, Vancouver     
Audience: Forensic psychiatrists, forensic psychiatry residents, Crown Counsel and defense lawyers, members of the British Columbia Review Board     
Register: https://ubccpd.eventsair.com/forensicpsychiatrymay2024/reg/Site/Register

2024 Behaviour Change Summer Institute (Lifestyle Medicine)     
June 13 | 8:30a.m.-4:30pm and June 14| 8:30a.m.-12p.m. | Reichwald Health Sciences Centre, UBC Okanagan Campus, Kelowna     
Audience: Family Physicians, Allied Health Professionals, Dieticians, Lifestyle Medicine     
Overview: Drawing on cutting-edge science in lifestyle medicine and health behaviour change, our award-winning speakers will engage participants to speak confidently about sensitive health behaviour topics like diet, physical activity, and alcohol, and learn how to use behaviour change techniques to foster meaningful change in their patients.     
Up to 9 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://chbc.ok.ubc.ca/behaviour-change-summer-institute/

VCH/PHC Physician Quality Improvement Level 2 Intermediate Training     
June 27-June 28 | (Two half-day sessions) 
Audience: Physicians from VCH and PHC, as well as those working in the community (for example, at privately owned clinics)     
Overview: This intermediate quality workshop is a comprehensive two-day program designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge required to actively participate in and lead successful quality improvement projects. This immersive workshop combines theoretical understanding with practical application, enabling participants to enhance their project management capabilities and drive positive change within their organizations. 
Credits: Up to 6.20 Mainpro+ credits, physicians may also be approved for up to 7 hrs of JCC-rate funding 
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_qxbg0JU2SyswCVaDSk_fEnR2BGt9K7AV6tBRwvQpASBYYg/viewform

Prescribers Course    
July 26 | 8:30a.m.-2pm | Online    
Audience: Primary care physicians    
Overview: A synchronous, interactive online workshop where participants will learn new approaches to navigating psychoactive prescribing, primarily through interview simulations in small groups, supported by sympathetic, experienced clinical teachers.    
Up to 4.75 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: https://www.cpsbc.ca/registrants/current-registrants/cpd/prescribers-course-2024-07-26


Overview of Syphilis for Healthcare Providers in BC Course     
Audience: Clinicians who may be involved with the case management and follow-up of syphilis cases and their contacts      
Overview: The Overview of Syphilis for Healthcare Providers in BC online course provides clinicians with the key foundational knowledge needed to support them with:     
- clinical recognition;     
- screening and appropriate testing;     
- treatment and follow-up of syphilis cases in BC.     
Up to 2.0 Mainpro+/MOC Section 3 credits     
Register: https://learninghub.phsa.ca/Courses/31222/phsa-bccdc-overview-of-syphilis-for-healthcare-providers-in-b

SafeCare eLearning modules     
Audience: Physicians     
Overview: SafeCare is blended, facilitated psychoeducation for health professionals and human service workers in community and acute settings. This education includes trauma and violence informed practice, substance use, harm reduction, Indigenous Cultural Safety, and self-care components. This curriculum is a combination of self-paced online modules and a facilitated session.     
Up to 8.0 Mainpro+ credits     
Register: http://www.bcwomens.ca/health-professionals/professional-resources/safecare

Portrait Online     
Audience: Nurse practitioners and Family/General Practice physicians     
Overview: Portrait Online is a practice resource tool for optimizing clinician prescribing patterns. We select 2 topics per year that are relevant to most BC clinicians, show an opportunity to improve prescribing across the province, and will lead to better patient outcomes and/or better use of resources. Portraits provide evidence-based practice suggestions along with a snapshot of your recent prescribing and a comparison with other BC physicians.     
Portrait can help you tune up prescribing by providing positive feedback where your prescribing is optimal and helping identify areas where your prescribing could be improved     
Up to 5.0 Mainpro+/MOC Self Learning Credits per Portrait viewed     
Register: https://www.ti.ubc.ca/portrait/

Medical Abortion Training For Primary Care Providers (Hosted by the National Abortion Federation)     
Audience: Primary care physicians       
Overview: This medication abortion training is an opportunity for primary care professionals to learn about mifepristone/misoprostol abortion care and integrating it into primary care settings. The workshop is open to people from clinical, administrative, nursing, or counselling backgrounds and consists of six asynchronous modules with one live session.     
Register: https://web.cvent.com/event/1048f179-8e60-4bbb-9881-1e7b211fffd3/summary


Online CATT (Concussion Awareness Training Tool)     
Audience: pediatricians, emergency medicine physicians, neurosurgeons, sports medicine physicians, and other healthcare practitioners who are involved in the initial assessment and care of concussion patients.     
Up to 2.0 MOC Section 3 credits     
Register: https://cattonline.com/medical-professional-course/

BC Mental Health Act Education Module – Pediatric Module     
Ongoing | Online     
Audience: Physicians, directors and clinical staff who admit and provide care to children and youth admitted under the BC Mental Health Act     
Up to 3.0 MOC Section 3 credits     
Register: https://learninghub.phsa.ca/Courses/22649/bc-mental-health-act-education-pediatric-focus